
2007 下半年總結

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匆匆又過了半年,看起來實驗似乎沒啥大進展.. (不都一直是這樣?)
其實八月底時情況還滿糟的,但總是峰迴路轉.. (當然人要做事,路才會轉.. XD)

簡言之,搞了幾輪的 ChIP+ELISA,也沒逃過 antibody purification....
雖然,有純化跟沒純化沒差.. XD 終究是讓老闆死了心

過去的經驗一直重複上演 『塞住老闆嘴巴最有效率的方式就是DATA』

一整個學期還泡在Perl跟R裡;R是個很不錯的工具,又容易上手。Perl的功力也大增了,真是當Parser的不二選擇。 兩者交相使用,分析了別人家的Data,似乎也可以唬個假說出來...



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話說又到了一年一度的年終大出遊... 其實早已下定主意要去大峽谷晃晃..
鏡頭換來換去,總是很麻煩.. 可愛的動物總是瞬間消逝在眼前。
經過半年的試用,Sigma 120-300 F2.8的確非常優,無奈太大支(重約2.5Kg)...
絕對不會是支『旅遊鏡』 (費言.. 它本來就是支大砲)。但是,自己又愛拍動物.. 該怎麼辦呢?

哈~ 於是,把心一橫,決定新鏡換新鏡..
把大砲拿出來,發現.. 發現.. 發現砲身居然刮傷了.. 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚.. 新鏡當場變舊舊舊鏡,有三年保固也沒用..

上網估了一下價(http://www.keh.com/),居然只剩$US 5xx.00,不禁幹了幾句....
只好上eBay碰碰運氣,這時才發現.. 原來eBay不是免費的.. Orz

最後, 終於以賠錢價賣出.. 跟新鏡(Canon EF 70-200 F2.8L)的價錢幾乎打平,算是不幸中的大幸..

後記: Sigma 120-300 F2.8 2007-5 ~ 2007-12-11



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嶄新的計畫,就此夭折了.. 再這樣下去,要破自己的五年六計畫的紀錄了.. Orz

哼~ 不過還是有意外的收穫喔..

(決定明天出去打鳥或打魚 洩憤......)


I'm moving to Google system

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September 3, 2007

I'm moving to Google system

This album/blog in WRETCH has been stop updated and the complete transfer to Google system will be done ultimately! NEW content is available in the following websites,
Blog: http://kuei-yang.blogspot.com/
Album: http://picasaweb.google.com/KY.Hsiao

Category: Uncategorized Articles
shiningfox at WRETCH at 02:45 PM post | Comment(0) | Trackback(0)


秋天的感覺近了... 又一場人在軍中吹秋風,前途懸繫在空中...

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當然有阿~ 因為鄰居家的樹已經開始掉了滿地的葉子了.... 這讓我想起2003年的秋天,那時還在報效國家。某天下午,大夥在操場上建置防禦工事,突然間變冷了... 不是鬼鬼飄過來了,是秋天的步伐近了。那種人在軍中吹秋風,前途懸繫在空中的感覺..... 真是差阿...


Another bad cycle begins or ended ?!

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The consequence for staying up a night is dizzy on the next ALL day, and then going to bed early, which makes me get up so so so early this morning (4 am)
Sigh.. I'm old.


I didn't and can't sleep yet

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Poor me.. I had a bad day or bad days?
The account got overdraft, and needed to pay extra fees. In addition, the car got towed and took me $80 to get it back.
Right now I'm still reading papers and writing the proposal for the upcoming qualifying-exam! I have drunk 100L of coffee and tea. can't go for the sweet dream!
wondering what kind of project I'm doing now?
Where is the out-reach for it?
Better consider that more...


The reason I switch to blogspot..

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Well, seemly I prefer the Google system since the WRETCH has been bought by YAHOO!..
In my opinion, the Google system has better integration, and I'm going to show some trips and geotagged pictures via Google Map in the blog. Eventually, I may transfer all the stuff from the WRETCH to here.

Busy Fall..

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After the damn busy summer, here comes the damn damn busier fall.

List my current gears for photography

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Body: Canon 30D (Apr 2006 - ?)
Major force:
EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 USM <- (old gear from Canon EOS50)
Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8 EX DG APO IF HSM (sold, Dec 2007)
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM (Got it! Dec 2007)

Sigma 1.4x Extender

Expected to be retired soon:
EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 USM <- (came with 30D)
EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III USM <- (old gear from Canon EOS50)

+-----------=========# Waiting/wish list #=========-----------+
if somebody can buy them for me, I'll appreciate it very much!

1) EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM (to replace EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5)
2) EF 70-200mm f/4L IS USM (to replace Sigma 120-300mm f/2.8)
3) EF 180mm f/3.5L Macro USM (for macro)
4) EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM (if I had 5D... XD)



ya.. The first one again!

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