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晚上跟美國朋友才聊到舊的與新的七個罪行 ( 7 deadly sins ),沒想到一回家開新聞就看到中文版民調.. XD

善哉善哉~~~~ 原來我天天做的是新七宗罪之首惡阿~~~~

去~ 白癡~ X 他老師的明天不上工了~~ 大家都去生病沒藥醫好了...

P.S. The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. I have all of them.. I'm a dead man.. ha ha ha
If I went to Mobile01 and saw people bought new toys, that makes me wanna buy 3C products (Lust, Greed, Envy). I'm a guy easy to get mad (Wrath). I work so hard and want to be better and better, and then best (Greed too); I got better and have confidence and then that makes me feel superior (Pride). I love to eat lots of food I love even if I felt full already (Gluttony). I was born as a lazy guy and like to do nothing if I don't want to (Sloth).